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A535 $475 |
I've ordered all of the custom cues in 12.75mm shafts and weights (which can be adjusted) from 19.5oz to 20.5oz. The first order includes four of the Viking Customs including the cue shown here and those shown below. Viking has a wide selection of pearls to choose from. If you want to have your own custom pearls, you can order it made. I was surprised how many were already in stock, but if you have to wait to have it made, it takes only 2-3 weeks.
Vikings have been made in the U.S. since 1965, so they are as old as I am! In the hay-day of pool, this was a brand that drew double takes from both spectators and competitors. And today? They are still getting the nod from players who appreciate fine cues.
New Viking Dealer Special:
From June 6th to July 6th, 2018, we are offering 10% off Viking Customs and 5% off Valhalla cues for any customer who mentions our Bing Promotion. Just say BING and we will discount your new beautiful Viking cue!In Stock As of June 6th, 2018:
Valhalla Cues by Viking: A Premium Import
The Valhalla line of cues by Viking are made in China, there's no getting around it. Most custom cue makers are making a line of imported cues. Generally, if the company has excellent quality control of overseas operations, you can expect a premium cue. It's not going to be a custom cue made in the U.S., but it will provide you quality through the years that is guaranteed by the company.
Viking does one better than some other makers by offering a Lifetime Warranty on the Valhalla line of cues. The other cue-maker that we carry who does this is Cue and Case with Player Cues. WE appreciate it because it's awful to sell someone a cue, have the shaft warp and be able to do nothing about it!
The warranty on the Valhalla is as follows: "Each Valhalla cue comes with the assurance of Viking's Limited Lifetime Warranty against defects, including warpage. All Valhalla cues covered by this warranty will be repaired or replaced at the discretion of Viking Cues knowledgeable warranty department. Register your new cue at www.VikingCue.com or via mail with the Viking registration card provided."
What Makes a Quality Cue?
When we look for a quality cue, we look for aged-wood shafts, quality control in the making, a stainless steel or or quick-release joint, a linen wrap, rings in the right places, and vibrant finishes that make you look twice. If the cue has inlays, we look for quality angles, even points, and generally fine craftsmanship. If the cue is under $200 and has points or decoration, it will usually be stickers or decals. In that case, you want the finish to be smooth with no defects or wrinkles in any of the decoration. If the wrap is linen, it should be Irish, double-pressed linen on the more expensive cue, and a normal linen evenly done on a less expensive cue. Cues under $80 will generally have nylon wraps. They don't work to keep the sweat from your hands as well as linen, so getting a cue without a wrap at that price point will be fine.
Weight should be adjustable. Weight bolts not pre-drilled will be difficult to change and unless you are satisfied with the weight, should be avoided. You should not be able to move any caps or rings and when you hit with the cue, it should sound solid, without clinks or ticks. And, of course, it should be straight. Roll both the butt and the shaft and then roll them together on a flat surface. Very small movements are acceptable, but any medium to large obvious warps should be avoided.
What About Shafts?
Shafts are an entire subject unto themselves. If I have not had time to put up a separate post on shafts, the best way to learn about them is to visit Google or the manufacturer's websites and learn how they make their shafts.
Usually, companies will have a basic northern hard-rock aged maple shaft that is the workhorse of their line. They will also produce a "performance" shaft that usually has a core replaced with a harder substance or is hollowed out or any number of other designs. Viking's "performance" shafts are the Vikore, the Exact Shot, and the Exact Shot 2. Viking's workhorse is the Vikore which comes on all its custom cues and the VPro which comes on the Valhalla cues. The Vikore is similar to the G-Core from McDermott. There are explanations of the way these are manufactured online at the following links:
General Video Showing Shaft Designs
Video Showing A521 its Shaft & Design
A Viking Video Showing Manufacture & Designs
The Shafts made by Viking are the following:
Exact Shot & Exact Shot 2
(In the Exact Shot 2 They Simply hid the black stripes the Exact Shot made on the shaft)VIKORE
VPro Comparison Chart:
Viking Description: Introducing the V-Crush shaft, the most powerful shaft we've ever produced! The shaft combines advanced accuracy with crushing power to give you one hell of a hit. The V-Crush comes standard with our Viking Phenolic tips which are 100% made in house at our home here in Wisconsin. The V-Crush shaft comes standard on Viking Break and Jump cues and they have been getting rave reviews as the best performing Break and Jump cues you can buy, and the V-Crush has a huge part to play in that.
Viking Description: Introducing the V-Spin shaft! This shaft is a reduced diameter conical taper shaft that enables the skilled shooter to achieve greater English on a shot when you need it. The V-Spin comes standard with a Le Professionel tip.